Books to read in addiction recovery (18 MUST HAVES!) had a list of 18 recommended books about addiction. The list is broken down into sections for different topics:
Addiction Self-help Books We Recommend
1. Recover to Live
2. Believable Hope
3. Dark Wine Waters
Alcoholism Recovery Books
4. The Couch of Willingness
5. Expressions of Drunkenness (Four Hundred Rabbits)
6. Sober for Good
Drug Addiction Recovery Books
7. What’s Left of Us
8. Recovery and Renewal
9. Survivors of Addiction
Books on Co-occurring Disorders
10. Co-occurring Addiction and Mental Health Disorders
11. An American’s Resurrection
12. The Dual Disorders Recovery Book
Books on Compulsive Disorders
13. Women and Problem Gambling
14. Don’t Call It Love
15. Out Of The Shadows
Books for Families and Friends of Addicts
16. Raising Healthy Children In An Alcoholic Home
17. Hope Street
18. Why Don’t They Just Quit?
For a summary of each one, click here.