We braved the rain to rally for addiction recovery in DC! Were you there? What did you think?
We will be at the Unite to Face Addiction Rally on the National Mall in D.C. on Sunday, October 4. We hope to see you there!
Change is never easy. But if I stay on the path I’m on, I’ll end up where I’m going. And that’s a destination I want to avoid.
The most common primary addiction reported is alcoholism (51.7%), and the broadly classified “inpatient therapy” (54% of 2536 respondents) is reported as the most effective treatment method. 96% of registrants report having at least one secondary addiction.
“I loved that false sense of “happy” that opiates gave me. I did NOT love the frantic lifestyle that came with it.”
“I spent the first few months of my “recovery” waiting to die. I can’t explain how it came to pass that I’m sitting here typing this today. My best guess is that I’m simply lucky.”
“My story doesn’t end here, but the rest remains to be written. I don’t know what the future holds but I do know that I can look forward to my life now. I can cope with what comes and rejoice in the love that surrounds me.”