“Rats are not people, Lander said, but the principle is the same: Addiction, without treatment, can kill.”
“Rats are not people, Lander said, but the principle is the same: Addiction, without treatment, can kill.”
“Through likes and comments, I’ve watched my hometown of Perry, Ohio, disappear into and come back from heroin addiction.”
87% of ads incorporated a responsibility message, but none defined responsible drinking or promoted abstinence at particular times or in certain situations.
“It’s like a death, when you lose your child to addiction, because they aren’t that person any more.”
The World Health Organization and American Heart Association are calling for bans on vaping indoors and sales to minors.
“That old adage, wherever I go there go I, is an old adage because it is true. I transplanted with a massive opioid habit just to find myself crawl deeper into the void of sedation and boredom. I think Nietzsche said that if you stare long enough into the abyss, the abyss stares back.”