“Upon reflection I always drank alcoholically, no control, blackouts every time, all it took was one. Had to learn humility, honesty, compassion for others, change my perspective to one of one day at a time!”
“Upon reflection I always drank alcoholically, no control, blackouts every time, all it took was one. Had to learn humility, honesty, compassion for others, change my perspective to one of one day at a time!”
“We each found a vein on each arm and shot it up knowing it would kill the baby inside me and might even kill me. I was okay with both of those happening.”
“No one came to me and said, ‘Hey listen, your mother was dumb. She started smoking when she was 16. Then after we told her it was bad for her, she kept doing it. She’s getting what she deserves.’ No one said that. Somehow, if it’s heroin or cocaine or alcohol, we say, ‘They decided it. They’re getting what they deserved,'”
“I thought that if I had enough dope to make it for a few days, then that was being successful. Today my success is measured by how well I’m doing inside.”
“I knew I wouldn’t be able to just stop taking the meds cold turkey so I did my research and found a doctor to help me.”
“So, here I am, days shy of my one year soberversary, to tell you that it is possible. And life is so much better on the other side. “
“Recovery rocks. I could not see my life any different and I feel I have been given two lifetimes in one lifetime.”
“Today I experience serenity. I still have life problems, but with the tools that I have learned from the rooms, Alcoholics Anonymous, and the 12 steps, I’m better equipped to handle life well.”
Recovery Triumph: Opiates My name is Lisa and I’m an addict, I started using opiates addictively when I was 16 years old. I am now a 56 year old grandmother who is very appreciative for […]