Scientists are examining the link between personality traits and substance abuse. Read the article to see which personality traits are more closely linked to substance abuse.
Scientists are examining the link between personality traits and substance abuse. Read the article to see which personality traits are more closely linked to substance abuse.
The State of New Jersey may become the first state to raise the smoking age to 21. There are several cities that have already made this change. Find out which states have also tried to increase the minimum age to 21. What do you think of this proposed law?
The great actor and comedian Robin Williams died August 11, 2014 after years of substance abuse and severe depression.
Talk show host Craig Ferguson shares his story as a recovering alcoholic. In 2007, Ferguson celebrated his 15 year anniversary of sobriety. In this video clip, he discusses his days as an alcoholic, suicidal thoughts, self medication, seeking help, life in a rehabilitation center, and his sobriety. He reminds us that we are responsible for our actions and even after 15 years sober, he admits, “I don’t have a drinking problem, I have a thinking problem.”
Do you know someone who you suspect is a high-functioning alcoholic? This article can help you identify who may be in denial about their problem and ways to approach them about it.
A new rehab drama show is in the early stages of being produced starring Robert Downey, Jr.
Would you watch this program?
Watch this video by an Eating Disorder Freedom Coach to see what she says are the top 8 reasons why people with eating disorders relapse. Some of these reasons apply to people with other types of disorders and addictions as well.
Bath salts are a relatively new drug that have had a rise in popularity. The Navy is concerned about the increase in bath salt use and released a video regarding the negative affects of this dangerous drug. Watch ABC News cover the Navy’s video and other drug use in the military.
Check out this creative and powerful poem performed by Michael Lee discussing recovery. This video does use strong language and discusses topics that may be sensitive, so please be careful who you watch it around.
Read more about Kelly Fitzgerald’s first year of life without alcohol and the 7 things she has learned.