“I knew I wouldn’t be able to just stop taking the meds cold turkey so I did my research and found a doctor to help me.”
This page is devoted to the addiction recovery success stories submitted by IQRR registrants.
If you have a success story of your own you can send it to success@quitandrecovery.org.
Please note these stories may contain graphic descriptions of drug use.
“I knew I wouldn’t be able to just stop taking the meds cold turkey so I did my research and found a doctor to help me.”
“So, here I am, days shy of my one year soberversary, to tell you that it is possible. And life is so much better on the other side. “
“Recovery rocks. I could not see my life any different and I feel I have been given two lifetimes in one lifetime.”
“Today I experience serenity. I still have life problems, but with the tools that I have learned from the rooms, Alcoholics Anonymous, and the 12 steps, I’m better equipped to handle life well.”
Recovery Triumph: Opiates My name is Lisa and I’m an addict, I started using opiates addictively when I was 16 years old. I am now a 56 year old grandmother who is very appreciative for […]
“They say in Alcoholics Anonymous that you will eventually hear your story being shared by a chairperson. I have not yet heard my story. I think this may be because most people do not survive an acute bleed out of three and a half pints of blood in 20 minutes from 3 open varices in their upper intestine and esophagus.”
“…with the help of my support system, healthy living habits, and naltrexone, active addiction relapse is far from my mind. I am aware that I must be vigilant though. As an addict in recovery, I know how easy it is to slip back into a state of mind that could lead me to relapse.”
“[My dog] took care of me all our years together but I wasn’t taking care of him. This snapped me right out of my addiction and made me see that I wasn’t just hurting myself in my drinking and using—I was hurting him too.”