1. Incredibly honest and what I find, truthful. As a recovering alcoholic and a Rape Crisis Counselor, I believe the statistics are that over 80% of women in recovery have been sexually assaulted by age 18, many childhood traumas have been had by the women in recovery. Even our boys; these children have been assaulted one out of six male children have been assaulted before age 18. The truth needs to be told and heard, and shared, so that we can cure the “root of the problem”, the “root of the disease” as alcoholism is a “symptom of a greater illness” (BB) and if we don’t discover these admitted illnesses, the disease will continue to “skyrocket” in all fifty states, as well as throughout the world. AA saved me from my drinking; Unity – Recovery – Service and the love of the women in the rooms is what got me sober. Congrats on your anniversary Christine…we got sober around the same time. I will be celebrating 24 years this August, with the help of God and AA. Thank you for all that you do. In Love and Service, Suzanne M.

    1. I worked as a counselor for a women’s IOP, with an all woman caseload for about 3 1/2 years, early in my career. I agree with the 80% and found that the other 20% had experienced some other traumas as well. The men were less likely to report, but some did, about 7%, but my gut told me those percentages were higher. I have worked in every modality over the last 17 years and it’s still the same, those numbers haven’t changed any. It’s nothing less than a miracle the women like you Christine and Suzanne are doing so well with your recovery. You are both shining examples that recovery is possible… keep on keepin on !!!!

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