John’s Story
Recovery Triumph: Alcohol
My name is John and I am an alcoholic. I was born and raised in San Francisco California in 1958. My parents were normal, middle class people, who had no problems with alcohol. At the age of 6 years old I was introduced to alcohol by my dad. He showed me how to drink. As I grew older into my teenage years, I took upon myself to drink and to have fun. Back in those days (I was raised in the sixties in the late 60’s and early 70’s) I was introduced to marijuana, drinking and other forms of drugs. This caused me to create criminal activity in the late 70’s.
In 1978 I was married for the first time and had three children but my use of alcohol and drugs got worse. My marriage only lasted five years. During that time I managed to lose my car, lost jobs, lost the respect of my friends, and ended up in the divorce. In 1985 I was arrested and I was sent to prison for the first time due to this disease that I have. At that time I did not know or understand that I was suffering from psychological problems. From 2000 to 2008, I was in 12 different substance abuse programs in San Francisco California. The last time I was incarcerated was in 2006.On September 6th 2008 I entered into the last substance abuse program in San Francisco: the Salvation Army adult rehabilitation program. On December 6th of 2008 after having little over 90 days of sobriety, I decided to take my wheel back and I relapsed. I went on a 15 day binge. I could not remember what I did. On December 21st 2008 I found myself at my friends liquor store looking for a drink, he told me that my daughter was on the way from Sacramento California to pick me up. He told me to go into the bathroom clean myself up and wait for her. I have no recollection of calling her a week prior to come get me. As of today, I believe that God is greater than myself. I accepted my daughter into my life and moved up to Sacramento California on December 21st 2008 where I managed to raise three of my grandchildren.
May 9th of 2009 was the first day that I entered the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous. I started to share my experience, strength, and hope. On August 29th 2010 I relocated to the city of Vallejo in Solano County where I have been living ever since. Today I am a member of the Vallejo fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous. I am very active in my sobriety and I am a representative of district 09 of Solano County of hospitals and institutions. I take in meetings into NAPA state mental facility and other local mental facilities. I am also a coordinator for H and I. Today I experience serenity. I still have life problems, but with the tools that I have learned from the rooms, Alcoholics Anonymous, and the 12 steps, I’m better equipped to handle life well. I don’t have a drinking problem today, I have a living problem and I deal with the problem that arises each day. Some are good, some are bad, but I am convinced that there isn’t anything that bad or that good for me to go out and have a drink. Thank you for letting me share my story. My sobriety date is December 21st of 2008 and by the grace of God I have 6 years 9 months and 27 days of sobriety.