LastStraw’s Story
Recovery Triumph: Alcohol and Drugs
When I first came into the program some 11 years ago, it was the last straw for me. I was sitting in a park with drugs and booze, that if I took everything I probable would have died that night. Before I took the last of everything, I decided to ask god in prayer that if he could show me how to live my differently than I would give it a try. Six minutes uttering those words, six police cars showed up, and that was how my first stance of recovery began. I was arrested with my first arrest in Broward County for drug possession, and placed in jail for 48 hours. Once in jail I learned about treatment from fellow inmates, and what was expected of me. It was suggested that I take the first step in showing that I was really serious about getting help with my drug problem, so I started going to NA Meetings with a sign in sheet, and getting a sponsor within the first 90 days. Once I went to court and pulled out my sign in sheets from all my meetings, the judge put me on probation for 18 months, 9 months for good behavior. I did what I was told From going to meetings, and making coffee to setting up chairs, breaking them down and doing meetings, to getting a sponsor. I was not very happy, something was missing, but I did not know what that was. I stayed clean for five years, and decided to go back out for another five years and still attend meetings, but no one knew I was using. I kept everything to myself. I decided to go into personal therapy because there was so much in me that needed to be worked on, that I could not share with my sponsor, nor my support group. Once I went into therapy some of my seeded issues were now being worked on, I no longer needed to hide my secrets, and keep them to myself. I was able to work through them, and return back to the rooms. I am now back after 8 days, and am getting honest. My fear today, is not the dying, which I accepted will eventually come, but why rush it. For the mean time, I choose to live the fullest life I can with the proper tools that I have obtained through the program, My higher power is awesome as long as I stand aside.