1. Talking about suboxone, the writer of the article states: “I was absolutely thrilled to see it showcased and explained on a major cable network show because the more people that know about Suboxone, the better.” Better for whom? The addict remains addicted. Suboxone merely replaces an illegal opioid with a legal one. The profit motive is massive. The long term effects of taking suboxone are unknown. The data supplied by pharmaceuticals regarding the illegal opiate relapse rates are misleading. It’s a dirty industry, this ”

    Suboxone’s parent, Reckitt-Benckiser Pharmaceuticals, refuses to do long term studies of the side effects of suboxone. They refuse to offer a lighter dosage which could be used in titrating off suboxone? Why? Well, every addict who truly is drug free is one less customer of Reckitt-Benckiser Pharmaceuticals.

    If you took the amount of money required to purchase suboxone-anywhere from a couple of months to forever- I think alternative forms of “treatment” could be adopted. Of course, pharmaceutical companies would lose out and the U.S. has a horrible record when it comes to regulating drugs that create profits- see nicotine-related products, for example.

    Here’s a much more factual article on suboxone- written by someone who is not “thrilled” by it’s being showcased on a TV show: https://www.thefix.com/content/hard-to-kick-suboxone?page=all

  2. I am sorry I don’t agree. I have been addicted to opiates since I was 19 years old. I am now 58 and if it hadn’t been for drugs like Methadone and Suboxone I would be dead or in prison. Some of us are not able to just not use. When I was 11 years old and had my tonsils out I told my Mother and Grandmother that “what ever they gave me makes me feel normal” I had never been around drugs or drug addicts, so I don’t know what made me say it, but I felt great. Two of my cousins had their tonsils taken out that day too and both of them got sick from the pain medication which is normal for most people who take opiates for the first time.

    What I am trying to say is that, I feel some people are either born with a shortage of the chemicals that make you feel god and some of us through many years of opiate abuse have damaged the receptors that hold the chemicals so that they can never be repaired, but either way, just like a diabetic needs insulin, I need Opiate replacement. I don’t get high, I do not have a euphoric feeling from it, I just feel “Normal”.

    Thank God for Suboxone because now I don’t have to feel like I did the two years that I did manage to put together after a 90 day in-patient stay. I was miserable the entire time. I was on anti-depressants and anti anxiety drugs that I feel are much much worse that Suboxone. It’s funny that no one ever questioned my clean time when I was on those drugs and they altered my consciousness more than Suboxone ever has.

    Please remember that not everyone is able to work the same program that you work and be a little more tolerant of your fellow man.

    Thanks for letting me share.

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